A Campbell's profile

Let Glasgow Flourish

Let Glasgow Flourish
A2 - 16.5" x 23.4"
3 colour layer screenprint  (one metallic and two split fountains) 
on Daler Rowney Heavy weight 220gsm
Signed/numbered and stamped edition of 40
Redrawing of the glasgow crest based on the legend of Saint Mungo, 
Here is the bird that never flew
Here is the tree that never grew
Here is the bell that never rang
Here is the fish that never swam
My first Glasgow themed print., Printed at the Glasgow print studio.
Photograph of the finished print,
Detail of the Robin.
Detail of the bell
The orignal ink drawing, the book and the circle of dots was removed digitially once i decided it was un-needed, the bell was reduced and placed bellow the tree
Sepratation of the silver layer with the silver ink
Silver layer with the Orange to red layer printed on top
set up for the keyline which runs black to blue
Let Glasgow Flourish

Let Glasgow Flourish

Let Glasgow Flourish Redrawing of the glasgow crest based on the legend of Saint Mungo, Here is the bird that never flew Here is the tree that Read More
