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FADE - actuated typography

Interactive actuated typography installation
project: the beauty of actuated typography, fall 2014
FADE is an interactive signage installation displaying typography with multiple array of rubber thread actuated by rotating motors depending on user’s presence. As a material, thread have widely used for expressing message in fashion and interior. FADE is especially focusing on the materiality of rubber thread, which can be pixelated and deformed when it stretched in array. The text is printed on the array of rubber thread and revealed when it reaches the specific state of moving thread. Two different surfaces of thread make the separation of the text toward opposite direction. The gradational movement of the text creates extraordinary and elegant representation of ambient display. Also, with the partial transparency of rubber thread, FADE creates an illusion that the typo is in air. FADE is expected to be applicable as a signage for practical and artistic usage.  
FADE is composed of the actuation part and the user’s input sensing part. In actuation part, 4 rows of reels are arranged in parallel. Each reel is comprised of 100 pieces of acryl washers and 50 lines of threads. The screw rod is used as the axis of the reel and two kinds of washers are put around it. The smaller one, seems like a horse’s hoof, is for make thread to be coiled around it while rotating. The bigger washer blocks thread from getting tangled with the other line of threads. For 4 reels, one bipolar stepping motor is utilized to rotate one rod back and forth. 4 motors are connected to the end of the each 4 reel through couplings. For the other end of each the reels, micro bearings are equipped for the same-axis rotation of the reels. Two reels each share the line of threads, which means that the two independent layers of threads exist. The two motors in the same surfaces rotate in the same direction while making roll of thread around the reels. An acryl panel covers the mechanism structure and all parts are designed with consideration for disassembly. The panel seems to be big transparent picture frame, which emphasizes the message in the middle of it and highlights the unique characteristic of in-air illusion.  Among various kinds of thread, rubber thread is used for stable implementation. While connecting two reels with the lines of thread, rubber thread is good at alignment with its elasticity compared to other threads such as cotton thread and fishing gut.
For sensing user’s input, IR distance sensor was embedded under the frame. Connected to the actuation part, it can recognize and transfer how close user approaches. Arduino UNO receives the input signals and controls the movement of the motors with thread-connected reels. When user is sensed to be close enough, the text printed on the surface of thread moves toward the center and gather together. The state of gather and scatter repeats while user stand in front of the installation.
It was intended to get curiosity from users in terms of cover texture and the way it being installed. First, the exterior is made by transparent acryl with showing all parts of actuation and sensing inside the cover. Let user to get the clue of mechanism is expected to stimulate his curiosity. User can explore the principle of the actuated typography himself through the transparent cover. Also, distinct contrast by the color of the cover, the white rubber thread and black text is easily spotted. Moreover, FADE is for hanging on the wall. With its appearance resembling picture frame, the installation is good at getting attention. 
Jiwoo Hong, 2014
FADE - actuated typography

FADE - actuated typography

FADE is an interactive signage installation displaying typography with multiple array of rubber thread actuated by rotating motors depending on u Read More
