Postproduction and CGI:  Luminous Creative Imaging
Cart model design and development:  Luminous Creative Imaging
Photography Model: Toufic Araman @ Aramanstudio Dubai
Photography Miniature Theme Park: Henry Ghamache
Agency: BBDO
For Galaxy chocolate we had a great project where we had to create a Ferris Wheel in which a photographed model would be placed. The whole thing would then be positioned in a background that was created from an existing miniature of a fair that was photographed in Germany.

We designed and modeled the whole Ferris wheel, after which one of our creatives headed over to Dubai for the shoot of the model. On the spot we postioned her in the sofar 3D model to make sure everything worked out lighting- and perspective wise.

Everything was put together in post by us and after some heavy compositing we ended up with a great image! You can read about our cooperation in Araman Studio's blog right here. Araman Studio is our representative in the Middle East.
AO render
Mudbox sculpt view
Mudbox sculpt view
Preliminary sketch
Preliminary sketch
On the set in Dubai

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Galaxy Chocolate

Galaxy Chocolate

For Galaxy chocoloate we had a great project in which we had to create a Ferris Wheel in which a photographed model would be placed. The whole th Read More
