Jason Drakeford's profile

The New York Times: "Out There"

Working at The New York Times with prominent science writer Dennis Overbye and science graphics editor Jonathan Corum, we create "Out There", a new video series from The New York Times that explores the universe and the science behind it.

Most of the sources for the visuals in the series come from NASA and E.S.A., primarily still photography, video observations and simulations from supercomputers. 

Translating pure data into a compelling story with visually digestible graphics, our team uses varying techniques in this process. A few examples of translating raw data into motion-graphics are calculating trajectories, orbital patterns, highlighting points of interest, and simulating predictions. 

We start the process with hand-drawn storyboards referencing researched data. Moving on to cut together an animatic motion-test that works with the script/scratch-VO. When we have a good first edit in place with placeholder graphics we then start the final refinement process, using the latest in cgi-design software, 3d renderings, texture modeling, displacement-mapping techniques, and more (undisclosed). 
Role: Producer, Editor, Design/Motion-Graphics
The New York Times: "Out There"

The New York Times: "Out There"

Working with prominent science writer Dennis Overbye and science graphics editor Jonathan Corum, we create "Out There", a new video series from T Read More
