Sunghoon Kim's profile

Cities We Live In

Cities We Live In
Urbanization Proportions, and Top 500 Biggest Urban Areas in 2015.
Urbanization primarily means the process of a city expanding, and the expansion stems from an increase in population such as new birth or, more commonly, the migration of new settlers moving from suburban or rural areas to urban areas. The increase of population results in the growth of the city outward and upward, and thus it eventually turns into a hub that encompasses the connection between residential districts and commercial districts, which is called a metropolis. It is an agglomeration of urban areas that has become immensely complex through the urbanization; it ends up with blurring the border line that determines the boundary of a city as an administrative or legal status.
The world has been urbanized so vigorously that, according to the United Nation, half of the world’s population was living in urban areas at the end of 2008. Besides this intriguing information, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nation has accumulated the vast data concerning the change in population of urban areas and urbanization proportion of countries over the recent history, including the growth prediction for upcoming near future. Cities we live in visualizes data about changes of both urbanization proportions of all the countries with 500,000 inhabitants or more, and top 500 biggest urban areas in every decade from 1975 to 2015.
Data source : United Nation, Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Cities We Live In

Cities We Live In

Urbanization Proportions, and Top 500 Biggest Urban Areas in 2015
