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The Modern Prometheus x Environments

這個藝術專案是以 Gothic (哥德風格) 以及相關的文化作為立體藝術創作的主題,而這個藝術品必須以一個鞋盒為基礎完成創作。

我們先到 British Library 參觀相關的展出後,再回家整理資料並思考作品的靈感。在眾多哥德風格的文化元素之中, 瑪莉‧雪萊的科學怪人 (Frankenstein / The Modern Prometheus) 我覺得非常有意思,它探討了每個人都會面對的自我認同問題,以及當智慧與力量被選擇使用在愛或恨的目的時,那一念之差足以改變一切。


最裏面的是一個有現代風格的房間,既與我們現在的社會產生連結,也與科學怪人的最終願望 「當一個普通人」 進行呼應。


而最下面的部分是一條道路,代表著在理想、現實的拉据之下,我們仍然具有選擇,而選擇限度則來分歧中間的兩種能力:自然的力量 (雷電) 與人類的智慧 (三本名著)。帶著愛去進行選擇,我們遇到了聖人,而帶著恨去進行選擇,我們便成了魔鬼。
The shoebox.
Expanded stage from the shoebox.
The normal lifestyle which the monster craved for. 
Monster in the normal lifestyle.
The road to the saint.
Monster in the road of saint: Fruit, flowers and help to the family.
Stepout to the side of desprate. The abandoned world inside the monster, connecting to the real world.
The monster obtain physical power from his body, and mental power from the books.
The road of the Saint.
The road of the Devil.
The abandoned world.
The stage.
The stage, from a bird's view.
In the abandoned world, the monster is already dead.
Fantasty items which may help the monster.
The hell, the struggle and the death.
The Neverwas.
The tragedy. 
The return of envy, head to the devil. 
The power.
The mental world of the monster.
The face of the death.
Monster and the title.
The border between the bright side and the dark side inside the monster.
The starting point of the Lilin.
The dawn of the monster.
"If I can not inspire Love, I will cause Fear."
The Modern Prometheus x Environments


The Modern Prometheus x Environments

This is a box project response to the gothic exhibition of The British Library. I decided to make a stage with the box that represents the monste Read More
