Microsoft Dynamics Letters for Mayors – Direct Mail
Dynamics is a set of integrated tools for business managing that Microsoft wanted to sell to City Halls. When we get down to it, mayors are interested in only one thing, the election results - the votes. So we decided to send to our target a sample of what awaits them if they use Dynamics: dozens of letters of voters extremely satisfied with his work as mayor.
Credit Card Plane Ticket – Direct Mail

Citibank has a database of customers that requiring credit cards but never actually activated and used them. To encourage these customers, Citibank decided to reward every client who activated the card with a free airplane ticket to one of 6 destinations. So they received a very special plane ticket with multiple destinations for their choosing upon activating the card.
Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Sticky Interests – Direct Mail

The biggest bank of Portugal wanted to tell their clients who often let the accounts go into negative (and therefore have to pay interests at the end of each month) that they could solve their problem by using a credit card. And they received a letter that when opened would stick to their fingers. The headline read “Don’t keep interests stuck to your money”.
Direct Mail

Direct Mail

A selection of Direct Mailings.
