Sebas Olivo's profile

Learning: VFX (Fire)

Learning: VFX (Fire)
as I continue to explore Blender I challenged myself in learning some techniques that I do not know in other software in the hopes that some things, no matter how small, can carry over. which means, its 
time to do learn some fun fire effects! 
to build the fire I began with a sphere, tweaked the geometry, and cut off the top
I then added distortion using a Voronoi texture to get this beautiful block and I'm intentionally going with something really angular to give more of a "stylistic" vibe rather than a "Realistic" fire
Using the shade editor I tweaked the shaders to get the right color and light effects until I had this
finishing touches include a second sphere copied from the first one with an additional edit to the material in order to have a few dark ember-y wisps sparking off the base fire
with the fire modeled I figured it would be no fun to have fire but not place to put it, so I also modeled a new weapon that I hope to use in a future animation!
inspired by martial arts demonstrations of meteor hammers I subdivided and smoothed some cubes into a hammer and chain, then extruded a rotating circle along a curve to create a rope to finish the piece.
I also of course added some texture and edited the shaders to make it appear as if the weapon itself was glowing so that when it combined with the fire VFX it would look more natural
after staging and lighting the scene with a variety of lights to do some justice to the fire I was 
left with this for the final result
to anyone curious this are the nodes used in the shade editor in order to achieve the fire effects I went for.
Learning: VFX (Fire)

Learning: VFX (Fire)
