Web design of a unique online platform that not only showcases clothes collections but also allows for on-demand orders
Luri is a women's clothing brand committed to the principles of slow fashion. They believe that the market should embrace a trend of reduced waste, slower pace, and greater sustainability, prioritising the customer and consumer experience over quantity and speed.
The Problem
The brand distinguishes itself by fostering a close connection with consumers and adopting a unique approach to inventory management. With small-batch production and the option to fulfil orders for out-of-stock items, they minimize material wastage. A new website was imperative to showcase and facilitate this unique product-centric approach.
The Solution
Our solution was to create an e-commerce website that not only showcases and sells our clothing collections but also incorporates options for requests, allowing customers to have pieces created on demand. To strengthen the bond with our clients, we added a blog to the website, providing insights into our sustainable practices and offering inspirational content on fashion-related topics.
The planning process involved creating a sitemap to outline the necessary pages, establishing an information architecture to define the structure, and developing low and high-fidelity wireframes for precision in content and visuals.
As a first step, I carefully planned the website's pages, ensuring that the personal request page took centre stage as the primary solution for the business. Additionally, a dedicated business contact page was introduced to distinguish potential larger orders from individual customer requests.
To ensure proximity to the clients and highlight the company values, the homepage became the focal point for discussing Luri's sustainable production model, showcasing the latest collections, and sharing informative and inspirational blog posts.
The initial concept for the website took shape through hand-drawn sketches, allowing for a deeper understanding of the project. Emphasizing a mobile-first perspective, these sketches ensured that the content on each page seamlessly adapted to mobile devices. Once the basic structure was established, the wireframes were recreated using Adobe XD, where the ultimate UI style was crafted and determined.
Final Design
For the final design, the website was constructed using Webflow to facilitate easy internal updates without requiring a redesign with every update. A content management system (CMS) was implemented for both the blog and products to ensure optimal performance.
Through strategic planning and creative design, Luri's new website not only displays clothing but also inspires and connects with its customers, reinforcing their commitment to sustainability by delivering a unique buying experience.
Luri Store


Luri Store
