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Daniel Malpica: Kaamos - Solo Exhibition, HIAP

Daniel Malpica: Kaamos was an exhibition that showcased a self-curated installation of Malpica’s works and his embracement of darkness, ranging from the realms of motion poetry to altered film.

“In my own work, whether it’s a text, a digital installation, or a performance, the distance between literature, design, and other media has never had very distinctive borders. Everything seems to me as a unified part of an expanded poem” Malpica reflects. This holistic approach has characterized his career, which weaves diverse strands across Europe, Mexico, and beyond.

The word Kaamos refers to the darkest times of the year. A season that alters the behaviours and physiology of almost every living thing. It also carries a cultural significance in Finland for its strong influence over the human psyche and, at times, its power to make oneself feel depleted.

The exhibition was a probe into the darkness of light, the bureaucratic nightmares of immigration and the poetics of fire. Visitors will encounter a multimedia installation that reveals Malpica’s process and his approach to the transmediality of writing.

Launching at the unsettling milieu of both Helsinki and Mexico City’s poetry and art scenes, Malpica has emerged as a transatlantic author in the literature and multimedia domains while exploring the intersections of language, graphic design, and digital expression.

“Contrary to popular belief in other regions of the planet” he has said, “we are not essentially the same throughout the year, and the morphology of darkness proves it.”

Dates: 18-31 May 2024
Location: HIAP Gallery Augusta, Suomenlinna, Finland


The exhibition is organized by Helsinki International Aartist Programme (HIAP) and Daniel Malpica, with sound works by Pedro MacLoughlin. With the support of the Kone Foundation and the Arts Promotion Center Finland. Daniel Malpica was a resident at HIAP in 2023.

Daniel Malpica: Kaamos - Solo Exhibition, HIAP

Daniel Malpica: Kaamos - Solo Exhibition, HIAP
