Beauty / Flares

Beauty / Flares

Timeless beauty. Essence of luxe. Sophistication and allure. 

Introducing our studio project, a three-part series of shorts to a luxurious lipstick we imagined.  

Inspired by Tom Ford, our lipstick embodies a blend of qualities - glossiness, unparalleled comfort, and a smooth glide. In this series of shorts, we aimed to portray the various characteristics of the product in a minimalist yet visually impactful manner.

Our goal was to evoke a feeling of satisfaction and comfort, while maintaining a luxurious, high-end tone to the videos. ​​​​​​​



Production: Nomo.Works
3D Design & Animation: Ayumi Tan, Chen Xuan
VFX: Beacher Chen
Special Thanks: Deborah Wong, Andy Shi

Beauty / Flares

Beauty / Flares

Timeless beauty. Essence of luxe. Sophistication and allure.  Introducing our studio project, a three-part series of shorts to a luxurious lipst Read More
