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Pay-Up! - 8-Bit Mini Game

Everyone has a Tory they love to hate.
It’s like having favourite horror films, picking at a hang nail or rubbernecking at a car accident… that frisson of painful discomfort from being around things that upset us. We take a sick pleasure reflecting on 13 years of conservative austerity and hope we’ll look back on it as a type of character-building experience when things finally get better after the revolution comes.

Electric Studios have created ‘Pay-Up!’, a button-bashing, boxing battler that’s inspired by a certain 80’s classic from a certain Japanese video gaming giant.

Pick up your gloves and bash your way through our own rogues gallery of senior Tory faces from the last few years to show support for our overworked and underfunded health service. Taking the role of a heroic nurse, you duck, weave and strike your way to victory against these real-life video nasties - and a couple of fiendishly tricky sub-games - the aim is to beat the clock and achieve the shortest overall time. 

True, it’s not going to single-handedly solve the NHS’s financial crisis, but at least here’s the chance to turn the tables, draw attention to the issues and knock some Tories firmly onto their shiny back benches.  
Pay-Up! - 8-Bit Mini Game

Project Made For

Pay-Up! - 8-Bit Mini Game

Political Satire Meets 8-Bit Boxing Action in 'Pay-Up' a nostalgic piece of pugilistic fun supporting NHS Workers' Fair Pay Struggle
