TSUBAKI Kuala Lumpur's profile

DEWY DRIP Branding & Packaging Design

DEWY DRIP Branding & Packaging Design

Dewy Drip is a self-created brand that focuses on body hydration supplements. In addition to replenishing fluids, it offers various functionalities, such as boosting immune health, making it a comprehensive wellness product. Whether it's a hot summer day, during exercise, or in the midst of a busy work schedule, you can easily pour a sachet into your beverage and enjoy.

To achieve optimal impact, we boldly incorporated gradient color blocks to highlight the product's distinctive features. We made subtle modifications to different structures and even improved the overall shape. The designs and colors for both the box and pouch are consistent, deliberately adding holographic foil for an extra visual effect. We hope consumers will be captivated by our bold design choices, steering clear of the common and mundane directions often seen in health supplement packaging.


Art Director 
Jay Lim

Vivian Toh

Michelle Ku & Venus

Weiloke Photography

Hologram stamping​​​​​​​

DEWY DRIP Branding & Packaging Design


DEWY DRIP Branding & Packaging Design
