⇨ Transcription – We enjoy delivering various kinds of General Transcription.
☞ Musical Audio- Videos (Rock bands, Musical chat shows)
☞ Education Videos (Software/Programming explanation videos)
☞ Chat shows and Interview recording
☞ Movies/Television Series Transcription
☞ Conference Calls
☞ Seminars
☞ Documentaries
☞ General Heath Transcription
☞ eLearning Transcription
☞ Phone Recording Transcription
☞ Skype recording Transcription
☞ Focus Group Interviews
☞ Corporate Interviews
☞ Dictations. (Single Speaker/Multiple Speakers)
☞ Podcast and Vodcast (Audio/Video)Transcription
☞ Academic Transcription
⇨ Legal Transcription - Types of Legal Transcription.
☞ Court Recording
☞ U.S. Supreme Court Cases
☞ Birth Certificates
☞ Passports
☞ Affidavits
☞ Wills
☞ Probates
☞ Pleadings
☞ Interrogations
☞ Witness and Victim Interviews
☞ 911 Calls
☞ Depositions
☞ Hearings
☞ Hand Written Documents
☞ Police Officers (Police Reports)
☞ Medical Examiners (Autopsies)
☞ Private Investigators
☞ Academic Legal Transcription
⇨ Business Transcription - Business transcription consists of transcribing conference calls which might be used to generate an executive summary or for future references.
☞ Live conferences
☞ Analysts call
☞ Investors conferences
☞ Product Launch conference
⇨ Religious Transcription – which includes -
☞ Sermon Transcription
☞ Preaching Recordings
☞ Devotional Speakers
☞ Christian Transcription


⇨ Transcription – We enjoy delivering various kinds of General Transcription. ☞ Musical Audio- Videos (Rock bands, Musical chat shows) ☞ Educatio Read More


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