Ana Lucia Soto's profile

Do I look Illegal? Project

Do I look Illegal?
Vs. Arizona anti immigrant Law SB1070, July 2010
Arizona anti immigration Law SB1070 first approved in 2010, gave policeman officers the power to stop people who “appear illlegal” (reffering to people with Latin American ancestry), and ask for their papers, meaning people would be forced to carry their papers around all the time.

In Sister, we made a t-shirt to expose the nonsense of this law, and invited our followers to wear the t-shirt as a way to support all the people affected by these law and to upload it to our fan wall on Facebook. After collecting a hundred-and-something pictures, we printed some of them and put up a show, where the pictures where glued and showed on barbwire.

During the opening of this small show, famous mexican/american graffitti artist Kubo, painted a Mural with the legend.
Here is how it happened.
I designed 3 simple different type style t-shirts and  put  them up on Sister's Facebook, so followers were able to vote their favorite by tagging themselves on it.
Selected t-shirt was produced and sold in Sister Boutiques.
We invited people to participate and support the project, even without buying our design
People started to fill out our facebook wall with the t-shirt
Here some examples...
We put this poster on facebook to invite people to see themselves and other persons on the wall, in the place where we put up the printed photographs of all the people who joined us Vs. Arizona Law.
me, (@crunch_me) putting the pictures on the barbwire
@normiix helping  putting the pictures on the barbwire.
Me (sister graphic designer and marketing), Nancy (Sister's Fashion designer), Kubo (Street artist) and Norma (Sister's intern at the time)
Nancy Rojo and Me, on the Newspaper.Title says "Versus Immigrant Law"
Do I look Illegal? Project

Do I look Illegal? Project

In Sister we made a t-shirt to expose the nonsense of Arizona SB10170 law, and invited our followers to wear the t-shirt as a way to support all Read More
