Capturing the essence of Chiapas
Cañon del Sumidero, Chiapas: A visual odyssey through nature's masterpiece. Carved canyons, towering cliffs, and turquoise waters unveiled in every frame.
Cultural kaleidoscope: Through the lens of Chamula and Zinacantan, Chiapas. A photographic journey into the heart of indigenous heritage and colorful traditions.
Rebellion in focus: Roberto Barrios, Chiapas. Through the lens, witness the resilience and spirit of the zapatist town, capturing the struggle and strength of a community.
Chasing Waterfalls: A photographic odyssey through the enchanting beauty and serenity of nature's cascading jewels.
A jungle's love story: In Chiapas, witness the incredible bond forged between a rescued spider monkey and his unlikely adoptive mother, a loyal dog. This captivating image captures the essence of an extraordinary friendship amidst the echoes of a changing narrative in the heart of the Lacandon jungle.
Palenque: Each image resonates with the echoes of a lost civilization.
Chiapas 2023

Chiapas 2023
