Aarjav Choudhary's profile

PITHON#1 : A Math Magazine

Some few weeks ago, a good friend of mine asked me to help her with a project of hers. She wanted to create an editorial/magazine about maths and naturally, my first reaction was "Ew what". The idea still intrigued me as she told me more about it and by the time she was done, I was actually pretty excited to be doing this. 

Welcome to PITHON.
This is the logo we drew up. I wanted this to go in a direction that wasn't just unilaterally mathematic but also in a direction that showed a certain class and Gen-Z aesthetics. The naming was the hardest part but we agreed on Pithon as the best one. It's a mixture of the mathematical character 'Pi' and the snake 'Python'. 
Next came the thing I was originally asked to do; the cover. My friend wanted this issue to talk about 'Women in Mathematics' and my mind immediately jumped to the great genius, Hypatia of Alexandria. Coincidentally, she was the exact person that inspired my friend to start this project. So I knew that the cover had to involve Hypatia somehow and then my mind went to the Raphael masterpiece 'The School of Athens', which shows the greatest philosophers and thinkers of the time. This painting has Hypatia of Alexandria in it and that's where I started. 
A few hours later, this is what I had whipped up. I showed this to my friend and she absolutely loved the cover. The rest is history. 
I recognise that this is not very perfect but the experience I gained from such a project was totally worth it. It was my first time doing something like this and I think the most important thing here is that I had fun with it and loved doing it. 

Till the next issue!
PITHON#1 : A Math Magazine


PITHON#1 : A Math Magazine
