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Common Navigation and Layout Design: 21.Swipe Tabs

Common Navigation and Layout Design for Mobile and Desktop: 21.Swipe Tabs

Swipe Tabs is a mobile navigation pattern that allows users to navigate between different tabs or tabbed pages by swiping horizontally on the screen.

Here are some key features of Swipe Tabs:
Horizontal Navigation: Swipe Tabs enables users to switch between tabs by swiping left or right on the screen. This gesture-based navigation provides a natural and intuitive way to explore different sections or categories of content.
Visual Feedback: When users swipe to a new tab, there is often a visual indicator to provide feedback and indicate the active tab.
Efficient Content Access: Swipe Tabs allows users to quickly access different sections or pages without the need for additional taps or clicks.
Enhanced User Experience: Swipe Tabs enhances the user experience by providing a visually engaging and interactive navigation method.
Common Navigation and Layout Design: 21.Swipe Tabs

Common Navigation and Layout Design: 21.Swipe Tabs
