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True Detective - The Yellow Sign

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.
Friedrich Nietzsche

I got interested in this tv serie when I read that had some references to the work of H.P.Lovecraft. As a true fan of Lovecraft's literature, I started watching the series and it caught me with that dark and disturbing touch that goes beyond the mere police investigation. The full weight of the series lies in the masterful play of both characters, which always face an ancient and forgotten world whose discovery can only lead to madness and death. This macabre and hidden undertone can only be glimpsed having read some of the works of Lovecraft and R.W.Chambers.

From the first chapters, the serie refers to The Yellow King and the cult around him who would perpetrate sacrifices to pagan deities. The King in Yellow is a collection of stories by Robert W. Chambers published in 1895, that revolves around a theater play that makes crazy anyone who reads or sees it. The works of Chambers inspired Lovecraft in creating his world of cosmic mysteries and extradimensional things far beyond all reason.

Rust Cohle, played by Matthew McConaughey, looks a modern update of a character out of a Lovecraft's novel . A character whose history is unknown and that we only know what he tells us. Many of the Cohle's great metaphysical and philosophical dissertations goes  around the inability of humans to understand the unfathomable mysteries of the universe and nature. I believe that the series skips that Cohle should have some experience that eroded his sanity but he gotten some knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos</b>.

When I finished watching the last episode of this great first season, I did a quick sketch and a preliminary color study that matches the style of the series and it's fantastic credits sequence. The illustration takes many elements of the final chapter where both detectives face the horror that lurks in Carcosa and the resident who dwells there.
True Detective - The Yellow Sign

True Detective - The Yellow Sign

I got interested in this tv serie when I read that had some references to the work of H.P.Lovecraft. As a true fan of Lovecraft's literature, I s Read More
