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This is a Library 2023 Merit One Show (Young Ones)

Project created for the One Show Young Ones competition. It was awarded with a Merit in the Young Ones Awards 2023. It can be found in the following link:

Over 50% of Americans haven’t read a book in the past year. The number of people who frequently visit libraries in the United States is decreasing each year. 

That’s why, from Spotify we have brought libraries closer to people. Transforming all kinds of places into libraries you can get an audiobook from. Simply by scanning the qr code you get a free audiobook. 

Also, we have included our libraries in the digital media, both on banners and on social media, so that everyone stays close to the libraries and has the opportunity to get their book for free. 

If people don't go to libraries, libraries will go to people.
This is a Library 2023 Merit One Show (Young Ones)


This is a Library 2023 Merit One Show (Young Ones)
