First Ideation
We are team Flower & Juvenile. Our project is an art installation with a focus on interactive video using Kinect. We’ve named our installation as Lost “I”.
Concept is surveillance, about how in current society with the technology available and accessible,  your privacy can be easily compromised, with someone intruding into your life without you even knowing about it. for example, your phone can be easily hacked, you can be spied when you’re outside or at home with a camera
-Interaction model (i.e: when you move your hand, you will be able to move animated objects on screen)
-Step by step of how user walks through the space and interacts with it
Technology Setting
- Technology you will need: provide a detail of equipment you will need access to
- Materials: After Effect, Final Cut Pro, Processing, MAXMSP
- Determine what skills you will need to achieve this project
- Video editing -coding like processing and Max MSP
- Learn how to use kinect
Future Implementation
- We might create creative sound with the video
- Make the project scale large (4 projectors)
- Using 3D Holographic Projection to make it more alive
Idea Update
Our concept is the power of uncertainty which involves curiosity and nervousness, and we are exploring these concepts through an experimental performance.
Surveillance (changed idea) -> Vitality (changed the concept but the experience remained similar) -> Experimental
The participant will enter the dark room and sit on a chair that contains a pulse sensor on one of the arm rests. He/she will wear headphones and listen to an audio. However, before they start listening to the audio, they must sign an ethics form in which they authorize themselves to be part of this “experiment”, and will not be allowed to tell anyone else of what happens throughout the entire experience. We as experimenters, will be wearing lab coats resembling doctors/nurse’s uniforms to make the person feel very aware like they are going through an intense experiment.
The audience and the participant will first be split up. The participant enters one side of the dark room and sits on a chair that contains earphones and a MindFlex detector of brain waves. The participant must wear both of those at the same time. They are facing the wall and are not allowed to see anything behind them. The audience enters the other side of the room in which they are facing a rectangular screen, they can also move around the room and observe the participant. 
The audience will be given a phone that contains the OSC app, and through this app they will be able to control the MaxMSP interface so that the music that the participant hears will change up based on what the audience selects. 
Based on the brain wave data received from the participant to Arduino, it will be sent to Processing which will continuously change the visuals displayed on the rectangular screen. There is no direct interaction between MaxMSP and Processing. The audience can only see the graphics, and won’t be able to hear the music but they can control the music the participant hears. The duration for each participant’s experience is approximately 1 minute.
The audio will contain sounds that are similar to ones you hear during a surgical operation such as cutting, incisions, etc. This was chosen in order to provide a daunting, creepy experience. Through these noises, it is meant to make them feel more nervous, which will cause an increase in their heartbeat rate. As the participant is sitting on the chair with their finger attached to the pulse sensor, they will be sitting facing a rectangular screen in front of them. The screen displays graphics that are generated based on the data from their heartbeat.
The visuals from the screen will created from MAXMSP, and based on the heart rate, it will trigger different visuals. Also to note, the audience will be able to see this experiment entirely, and they will be behind the participant and be able to participate in the experiment as well. The participant has no knowledge of this, but the audience will be given a phone that contains the OSC app. Through this app, they will be able to control the different audio clips that the participant will hear through the headphones. Through the audio decisions the audience selects for the participant to hear, the visuals will change based on which audio they select. The audience will not be able to hear the audio playing, and will only see the visuals transforming.
The lights in the room are turned off, the only light that will be visible is a spotlight on the participant, and the lights that will reflect from the screen that displays the visuals.
We will be wearing white lab coats and acting in a very serious manner to enhance the atmosphere that occurs in a professional lab experiment.


We are team Flower & Juvenile. Our project is an art installation with a focus on interactive video using Kinect. We’ve named our installation as Read More
