AUJIK .'s profile

Plasticity unfolding. pre-version.
Neurobotic scene: animation and texture test.
Tentacle plant scene:  High poly rigged animation and HDRI test. Created in Zbrush 
3 particles scene: front particle made in fumefx with thinkbox frost - anisotropic meshing. back particles made with real flow using thinkbox frost - union of spheres and anisotropic meshing.
Logo scene: front is fumefx and thinkbox frost - anisotropic meshing. Back is realflow thinkbox frost - metaballs meshing.

Vray settings used:
Global illumination.
Ambient occlusion on_standard settings.
Primary engine: Brute Force_subdivs: 25
Secondary engine: Light Cache_subdivs: 800. sample size: 0.002. use camera path. scale: screen.
Image sampler (antialiasing). Adaptive. Subdivs: 1-4
AA filter: Vray LanczosFilter.

Used HDRI's shot at the locations in the Environment slots (GI and Reflection/Refraction)
3D studio Max. Vray render. Realflow. FumeFX. Thinkbox frost. Zbrush. Syntheyes motion tracking. After Effects. 
Canon 600D. Sigma 8-16 mm. Merlin steadicam.


Music: Christ. - Substation from the album Blue shift emissions.
Plasticity unfolding. pre-version.

Plasticity unfolding. pre-version.

pre version of upcoming video art project.


Creative Fields