my little story about jewelry and what I wear every day of my life

1: Takinado.rings - transformer ring 2: Efim 83 Private Collection - ring 3: Vintage Hub (Tbilisi, Georgia) - earring 4: Kruzhalo (Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha) - 2 national style rings 5: Takinado.rings - cuff earring 6: handmade cuff earring 7: Takinado.rings - transformer ring 8: Konstantin 27Sc Private Collection - handmade pendant 9: Kruzhalo (Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha) - national style pin 10: Mineral Weather - ring 11: Dezerter Vintage (Tbilisi, Georgia) - ring 12: The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts - pin 13: - cuff earring 14,15: Mineral Weather - ring 16: Obshee/Chastnoye store - cuff earring 17, 18: epoxy resin rings 19: Obshee/Chastnoye store - cuff earring 20: - ring 21: handmade bracelets by me and my friends (Vita_k_s;Douzitripla) and pins from Peredvizhnik store 22 Kruzhalo (Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha) - 2 national style ring 

Thank You!

some abstract collage with Takinado.rings 
jewelry bag


jewelry bag

my first jewelry collection that I slowly acquired in my entire life and found in my little bag
