Fizzle Sticks is an easy 5 step recipe for soda popsicles, made to represent the ink processes offered by Wikoff Color Corporation. The cover is retro and the inside is more modern to show that this is an old idea that was renewed to peek the interest of people today (the stock of the paper contributes to that since it was specially picked for this project). There is also a spot varnish on the front and back covers for a little more pop and the binding is saddle stitch. On top of that, the images throughout are all my own photography.
Detail of the cover.
Detail of the title page.
Detail of the break time page.
Detail of the results page.
Detail of the back cover.
Hope you enjoy!
Fizzle Sticks

Fizzle Sticks

An easy 5 step recipe book for soda popsicles called Fizzle Sticks, designed to represent the Wikoff Color Corporation ink processes.
