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Visiting a school in Recife, Brazil. 2023

 I visited a school "Avance" in IPSEP, Recife, Brazil. These pictures will give you a pretty specific image of "everyday" in a Brazilian (private) school. `
You can use the school's computers, if you want to pay. Honestly, majority of the students were playing games while the teachers were talking.
UNO - everyone is playing in the schools in Brazil.
A portrait of Luiz. He is going to finish school this year and is super excited about going to work in his father's business. He already assembels electrical panels and installs refrigerations in different areas, apart from attending school.
Luiz showed me his sketches for the electrical panels. "Since I was a child, I liked robots. I believe that when I was eight, I had created a robot out of crushed coke bottles, with nails that I had put as legs and it moved. From that moment I started to learn more about car engines and tubes which I assemble today. What I am doing is a childhood dream, but I won't stop here."
"Nothing but the sky is your limit"

Luiz earns a lot of money now, already. While being 17 and attending school. When I asked him about university or farther studies, he told me that in his mind, the school is a waste of time. Luiz wants to quickly finish highschool for the certificate ("I understand that without the (highschool) degree, as a business owner I will not have as much opportunities to carry out huge projects, which is what I want to do.") and go work full time.
In the moment I took this picture, the history teacher was talking about the evidence - classified documents - that were allegedly found in the D. Trump's bathroom. It's just interesting to remember, Luiz and Djogo asked me to take it.
Visiting a school in Recife, Brazil. 2023


Visiting a school in Recife, Brazil. 2023


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