Katja van Weert's profile

Product Design - Philips Healthcare

Product design - Philips Healthcare Experience
Study project
Sep 2020 - Feb 2021 (6 months)
Project description

When looking at MRI experiences, it is necessary to understand the mental state of the patients in the waiting room, which could be used to improve the MRI examination experience.

The current approaches are mainly through questionnaires or sometimes physiological measurements, but is that actually the best solution? If you are asked how you feel, would you actually be able to answer correctly? What if instead of using checkboxes we could measure with natural interactions?

With data-enabled design and research through design, we explored the suitability of several sensors for differentiate mental states such as relaxed or stress. Based on the collected data and experience of participants in the user tests we iterate the sensing functions as well as aesthetics of interaction.

(UN_DEFINED) is a sensing design object that elegantly measures the emotions of the patient through manipulation and functional interaction.

This project was created in collaboration with Philips Design and featured on the Health By Tech conference of June 10-11 2021 at the University of Twente
Product Design - Philips Healthcare


Product Design - Philips Healthcare
