Neil Davies's profile

The Skeptic Magazine (UK)

Character Design
For the past three years or so I've been doing cover illustrations for The Skeptic Magazine (UK). I've had a great time working on these covers as I'm usually given completely free reign to come up with an idea, usually based on the main interview for each edition. I've had the chance to caricature some truly remarkable and fascinating people and helped give the magazine it's own distinctive look. Thanks to previous editor Professor Chris French and current editore Deborah Hyde for the opportunity.
Professor Lawrence Krauss
Professor Elizabeth Loftus
Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou
Sir Patrick Moore
Jane Goldman
Robin Ince
Professor Daniel Dennett
Christopher Hitchens
Jon Ronson
Professor Richard Wiseman
Simon SIngh, David Allen Green and others
Special mock-cover design and illustration I did for the editor Deborah Hyde (aka Jourdemayne)
The Skeptic Magazine (UK)

The Skeptic Magazine (UK)

Cover illustrations for The Skeptic Magazine (UK)
