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How Future-proof is Your IVR System?

How Future-proof is Your IVR System?
Achieving excellent customer service is the top priority for every company. If this essential function is improved, your company will face fewer challenges and have more resources and time to expand and grow. Any disruptions to your customer service would have the greatest impact on other aspects of your business. Setting up efficient and IVR testing automation is essential to avoid any possible issues.

What is IVR (Interactive Voice Response system)?

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a phone system feature that lets customers or employees of businesses communicate with a computer system via either voice or touch-tone calling. Through Interactive Voice Response, your automated phone system can have basic conversations with your callers without the need to talk to the human operator, which consumes the agent’s time.

There is no single test that can assess the effectiveness of the IVR system. IVR testing is far too complicated, and the circumstances under which it operates are varied for one test to yield beneficial outcomes. Manual testing is when humans run the tests step-by-step and without testing scripts. Automated IVR testing is where tests are performed automatically through test automation frameworks along with other software and tools.

Challenges in Manual Testing

Let’s take a look at the major issues manual IVR testing is facing –
Manual testers who test IVRs have been forced to move slower while other teams in business benefit from automation. There is no simple method of delegating or streamlining the process of building tests that are consistent and detailed enough for repeated use. Thus testers are forced to create these test scenarios manually and repeatedly.
To accurately capture every single detail, testers often have to make calls. It requires patience, concentration on repeating the same task, and expert knowledge that is difficult to find when you are a new participant in the team or you have been asked to test customer experience using a more non-structured exploratory style. It requires lots of time, increase in costs, and project timeframes get longer.

A lot of older IVR systems that are still being used are less user-centric than they ought to be. It is common to see older IVR equipment deteriorate or fail to connect properly with the latest software. This results in bottlenecks and blindspots that are difficult to identify using the in-house manual testing methods.

Is automated testing a helpful tool for your team?

As your application becomes more complex due to the increasing complexity, the use of tests that are not regularly scheduled becomes ineffective and useless. The timing is crucial when it comes down to customer experience. In the event of delays in solving issues, they could cause major setbacks. Testing your systems manually is not practical for growing enterprises because it gives a different flexibility and speed than automation. An automated test process lets you swiftly test several scenarios to determine your system’s performance under pressure before entering the script into the real-world environment.

Transitioning from Manual to Automation Testing

While manual testing is effective when it comes to areas that require initial outcomes and analyses, it will not produce the desired results in areas that require repeated execution of the program. This is the area where Automation Testing comes into the picture. The ability to run iterative simultaneous tests across different browsers, devices and operating systems in one go, with errors logged and reports automatically created, can be the difference between being a market-leading company and one with weak competition.

Bautomate IVR Automation

Bautomate IVR Automation will reduce test time and cost, boost the satisfaction of your team, and will send your customer satisfaction scores skyrocketing. The move towards the automated IVR system such as Bautomate IVR Automation provides security that your IVR is suited to its purpose and that your business reaps the benefits that result from the ongoing loyalty of your customers to your brand.

Dropping calls is a common occurrence, but why?

Customers become annoyed when they are asked to repeat their problems and provide personal information to IVR repeatedly. For many reasons, customers may disconnect their phone calls before speaking with IVR. Some of them include –
The waiting time to receive a response from an IVR on the interactive voice reply (IVR) queue was long, and no explanation was given by the company.

A customer was simultaneously looking for a solution and found it themselves before a live agent could assist.Because of an unpleasant experience they had with an IVR system the last time they called, the caller was not interested.

So, If call abandonment rates are high, what is the solution?

You can handle more calls and offer better customer service by lowering your call abandonment rate. Long wait times can have a negative effect on customer satisfaction and could eventually lead to customer loss. Here is the best part – Bautomate IVR Testing automation tools perform hundreds of test cases and record the performance of the IVR system to provide the best customer experience.
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How Future-proof is Your IVR System?

How Future-proof is Your IVR System?


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