The Fifth Sun
"Quinto Sol" or The fifth sun is a Board Game developed by the group "Bolando Games" on the first semester of 2019. 

The goal was to create a game based on the culture of a chosen civilization, which in this case was the Aztec culture. In the game the players take control of deities that serve the gods, acquiring and trading resources to build temples and obtain favors from the gods, all while trying to plan and protect themselves from the death and the birth of a new sun and the cataclysms that ravage the world/board.

This was my first game. I was responsible for researching the Aztec culture as well as applying the myths studied onto the game mechanics planned. I worked on the level design, building some game rules, such as: resource management; temple constructions; grid movement; resource trading between players; bonuses and perks; 

Quinto Sol


Quinto Sol


Creative Fields