Technology enabled me to gather inspiration and spark ideas through things like Pinterest. I was able to look through Vector Monsters created by others which was really helpful in coming up with ideas. Looking through the student artwork examples on was also useful in sparking ideas for my project. Both of these are an important part of the creative process because it helps to get you thinking of your own ideas.
      It would be more difficult to carry out your message if this technology did not exist. Pinterest is such a useful tool to compare your artwork to other artists and to help while refining your own artwork. These websites are great to be able to share your brilliant ideas with others.
    Technology is amazing for comparing your work to others because it allows you to gather inspiration. It’s cool to be able to look at other artists work and look at their use of techniques and color schemes. After reflecting upon other peoples work it makes it easier for you to have more ideas and techniques in mind when you’re creating projects.
Frog Bog Monster

Frog Bog Monster

Frog Monster created in Illustrator for project one in DID2.
