These miniatures were painted between 2011 and 2013. They were inspired by the British tradition of locket minitaure watercolours, which I discovered at a Tate Britain Watercolour Exhibition. The coins used are a reference to the carefully made metal frames of traditional lockets. These are all painted without a magnifying lens, using a Sable 4/0 brush.
Lover's Eye miniature
Oil, acylic and epoxy resin on 5 pence coin, steel wire and chain,
18mm diameter
Locket Miniature of Ai Wei Wei.
Oil and Acrylic on levelled 2 pence coin.
26mm diameter.
Pencil for size comparison.
View of reverse, showing 2p insignia
Flanders and Swann
Watercolour on parcel paper.
Approx 30mm x 70mm
Gordon Brown
Watercolour on cardboard
Approx 25mm x 15mm
Oscar Peterson
Oil and acrylic on levelled 1 pence coin
20mm diameter


Set of miniatures done between 2011 and 2013, inspired by the British tradition of locket miniatures.
