Kellie Fitzpatrick's profile

Winter Sports Stickers

Winter Sports Stickers
I wanted to create some stickers that were very closely connected and had the same theme to them. I had a lot of ideas come to my mind but the idea that ultimately settled on was winter sports. Let me show you the process I went through to get from an idea to being sent off to the printer. 
These are the sketches that I had done I was either going to go with a tarot card scenery theme or a very bohemian theme involving stars. I really wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and create the winter sports stickers. Last year I saw these amazing skiing and snowboarding stickers that I thought were so cool that I wanted to recreate my own style of those stickers. 
These were the very first digital sketches of my winter sports stickers. When I thought of winter sports my mind instantly went to snowboarding, hockey, and skiing. I wanted to implement the droopy smile face because I wanted to go with an edgier-looking sticker. These sketches were good but they were not hitting the mark. 
These were my next refined sketches. I'm not going to lie this took me out of my comfort zone. I am not the best at creating people. So when I did this I looked at as many pictures of people skiing, snowboarding, and hockey players as I could. Then from there, I tried to recreate the silhouette I was going for. When I got critiques from fellow professionals they thought that these stickers all looked a little too similar and that I needed variety. Then they also suggested that I put the silhouettes in more motion-aware stances. Not going to lie this was a long process. Then eventually I came up with my finalized stickers...
So I implemented a lot of new things into my final stickers. I decided to do a typed sticker but with a small twist. The letters were going to have designs inside of them. Then since my last stickers were too similar I decided to add some variety in shapes. I made one into a triangle signifying the triangular snowboard bindings. Then I made the ski goggles because both snowboarding and skiing need goggles to board more easily. Then I again created silhouettes with more motion stances to create movement within the sticker.  Overall I'm proud of the stickers I've created and I'm more excited to get them printed.
Winter Sports Stickers

Winter Sports Stickers


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