This picture was taken in The Bronx 2022. In this picture I utilized the cars parallel parked on the side of the street as a way to draw the attention up the hill and use lines. The focal length is 105mm, shutter speed is 1/100 sec, the F stop f/7.1, ISO 640 and white stop auto. 
This photo is another example of using lines and was also taken in The Bronx 2022. In this picture I used a construction site underpass as a way to capture the lines of the downward slope. For this picture the focal length is 95.00 mm, the shutter speed is 1/100 sec, the F stop is 7.1 and the ISO is 100.  
This picture was taken in The Bronx 2022. In this picture I utilized the cars parallel parked on the side of the street as a way to draw the attention down the hill and use lines. The focal length is 95.00 mm, 1/100 sec, f/7.1 ISO 100 and the white stop is auto.
This picture was taken in The Bronx 2022. In this picture I utilized the perspective of the slight side angle the focal length is 95mm, shutter speed is 1/100 sec, the F stop f/7.1, ISO 100 and white stop auto. 
This picture was taken in The Bronx 2022. In this picture I utilized the perspective of the front of the stop sign. The focal length is 95mm, shutter speed is 1/100 sec, the F stop f/7.1, ISO 100 and white stop auto. 
This picture was taken in The Bronx 2022. In this picture I utilized the perspective of the front of the stop sign but used a barrier in the foreground and a correctional bus and car in the middle ground. The focal length is 95mm, shutter speed is 1/100 sec, the F stop f/7.1, ISO 100 and white stop auto. 
This picture was taken in The Bronx 2022. This is a picture of a tree branch growing through a metal fence located outside of a friends outside. In this picture I utilized the rule of thirds as the angle of the tree branch matches the left grid. The focal length is 105mm, shutter speed is 1/100 sec, the F stop f/7.1, ISO 640 and white stop auto. 
This picture was taken in The Bronx 2022. This is a picture of a "Do Not Enter" sign located in the East Bronx. In this picture I utilized the rule of thirds as the sign matches the right side of the grid. The focal length is 105mm, shutter speed is 1/100 sec, the F stop f/7.1, ISO 400 and white stop auto. 
This picture was taken in The Bronx 2022. This is a picture of a ongoing traffic and a vehicle light located in the East Bronx. In this picture I utilized the rule of thirds as the light and car matches the right side of the grid. The focal length is 105mm, shutter speed is 1/100 sec, the F stop f/7.1, ISO 640 and white stop auto. 
Photo Assignment 5

Photo Assignment 5


Creative Fields