Riley Johnson's profile

"Gale" 3D Form: Texture Study


Students in ART111 at Miami University were tasked to take their previous bas-relief texture and create a 3D form to mimic the feeling it creates.​​​​​​​ This project is a continuation of a 3 part series studying the concept of texture.

Inspired by the movements of wind and water, "Gale" is a skeletal form that represents water. "Gale" is similar to that of Theo Jansen's, 'Strandbeests,' which are skeletal structures able to walk and get their energy from the wind. "Gale" is an interpretation of what water could look like as a 3D form and was a challenging concept to wrap my head around. Overall, I am proud of the outcome.

Preliminary thumbnail sketches:

6x6 Dirty Model Experimentation:

The 3D form consists of three layers of bristol paper glued together, a taped-together skeleton underneath, paper mache middle layer, and refined skeletal system overtop. "Gale" retains its horizontal axis in one direction but allows freedom of curvature in the perpendicular axis. "Gale" is a strong representation of manipulating bristol paper using glue or adhesive.

"Gale" 3D Form: Texture Study


"Gale" 3D Form: Texture Study
