Francesca Pillon's profile

Meaning & Messages: Advertising

The aim of this project was to create a serie of adverts: I chose to built a Guerrilla Advertising Campaign against obesity to help promote a better lifestyle.
First, I had to make some researches on this worldwide issue in order to have a more complete idea of what to focus on. While I was reading articles about it I stumbled upon comments like “I mucked myself up eating the wrong food. Now I have to eat the healthy way, the weight is dropping off. Don't make excuses for yourself, you know that you are. Act now and change your life before it changes you. Diabetes, blood pressure and a thousand other things. It’s my gift of a warning before its too late, I am busy dodging a bullet...please take heed.”
I asked myself then: how much can people be ruined by what they eat?
I decided to walk around this concept and I came out with the idea that, basically, we are what we eat. Everyone has a choice on how to live. It is up to the individual and to be aware of the hidden dangers.
The first three ads are implicit and they all have been photomanipulated and cutout. They are all inspired by the worldwide association WHO (World Heath Organization), a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that is concerned with international public health.
The statistics about UK are real and I found them in articles by,,
The font is totally handmade with sauces (ketchup, brown sauce and mustard).
The fouth ad is explicit and its message walks around the diseases you can bump into if you keep eating junk food.
Advertising mock ups,  billboards and homemade font.
Here are a couple of examples of school’s workshops about photomanipulations and slogans.
1) Rhinorodent (Rhinoceros + Rodent)
2) Dogduck
Meaning & Messages: Advertising

Meaning & Messages: Advertising

A serie of adverts for an ad campaign to help promote a better lifestyle choice.
