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The Uninhabitable Earth

This project was for the Penguin Book Awards, designing a cover for the Adult non-fiction book "The Uninhabitable Earth."

This book highlighted the detrimental effects of human activities on our planet, focusing primarily on global warming, stressing the importance of why we need to act now in order to slow down, prevent or reverse the effects.

This cover is purely photographic, where the whole cover is one photograph. I used ice from the freezer to represent the ice caps and an A2 piece of sky blue paper as the back drop.

The back of the cover shows a cluster of ice, representing ice caps and as you turn to the front cover, there is less ice, the pieces are smaller and it is more spread out, highlighting the melting ice caps.

The word "Uninhabitable" has been digitally manipulated so it is only just readable, to portray a distressed and damaged look- a visual metaphor for what is happening to our planet. 
The Uninhabitable Earth

The Uninhabitable Earth
