Rouge Bistro
Restaurant Branding & Design
Cascade Manor, a retirement community in Eugene OR, was opening a second dining venue with a modern Pacific Northwest ambiance, high-end touches, and menu that changed daily.

The first step of the project included naming the restaurant and gaining the approval of the board and residents. Followed by intense design rounds for brand, environmental graphics, branded touch-points, and menu design – while coordinating with interior design, and a compressed construction schedule.

To accommodate the changing menu, existing onsite technology and production limitations of the facility, digital menu signage utilizing MS PowerPoint and printed MS Word templates were created allowing daily updates by the back of the house.

ROLES Branding and Naming, Design, Creative Direction

Rouge Bistro


Rouge Bistro

Cascade Manor in Eugene OR was opening a dining venue with a modern Pacific Northwest ambiance, high-end touches, and menu that changed daily. Read More
