Zen - Mental Health App

This project was part of my final year of university, under the creative conscience brief. There were a variety of topics to chose from, I decided to go with the health and wellbeing brief. 1 in 4 people experience some form of mental illness and this was an alarming statistic that I was dedicated to providing a solution for.

This lead to the creation of Zen. Zen is an app designed for people that don't feel comfortable opening up to their friends or family about their mental state. Some people may feel like they are being a burden to those around them, when in reality they are not. It is not abnormal to feel this way but it is in fact an unhealthy way of thinking. My app provides a safe platform for people to open up to one another anonymously online, to talk about their state of minds.

For greater context, please click on my promotional video below, or scan the image at the very bottom using the Artivive app!
Promotional Video
User Interface
Below are all the individual pages that were created to bring my app to life. All Emoji's, Icons, Illustrations, text, backgrounds etc. were custom made on Adobe Photoshop.
App Run-through Video
Here is an example of what my app would look like when being used. This video, runs through the basics of Zen's interface and showcases my apps features and unique visual language.
Custom Coasters
One of the most common coping mechanism people resort to when they are feeling low is drinking. That being said, I thought it would be an appropriate and positive form of promotion to design drink coasters with a scannable QR code on them that people can scan to download our app if they are struggling with their mental state.
Artivive Trigger Image
Download the Artivive app and scan this image to play my promotional Video!

