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QR Codes for Your Small Online Business

5 Ways to Use QR Codes for Your Small Online Business
Small businesses need to focus on two objectives: achieving business growth and reducing costs. Startups and small businesses often hunt for multiple solutions to achieve these goals. What if there was a single tool to help you alleviate expenses and accelerate business growth?
With QR codes, you can do both. QR codes are an essential tool for small businesses that want to flourish in a competitive market and grow their business. 
Here’s how small businesses can use QR codes.


Use QR codes for payments
The global transaction value of digital payments is projected to reach $8.56 trillion in 2022. Consumers prefer paying digitally at physical stores instead of pulling out their wallets and giving cash. Therefore, it’s critical for small businesses to accept online payments in physical stores, and QR codes make it possible.
You can put a payment QR code at your cash counter and link it to your payment processor like PayPal, Stripe, bank account, etc. Customers can scan the code to make the payment.

Print QR codes on carry bags and products
Digital advertising and marketing are crucial for small businesses. Though most small businesses have a website and social media presence, it’s not enough. You need to bring traffic and generate leads. Unfortunately, most new businesses don’t have the budget and resources to launch large-scale digital campaigns. 
QR codes resolve this hurdle by helping you redirect offline users to your website or social media. Small businesses can print QR codes on their carry bags and product packaging and link them to their website or other online destinations. Customers can scan the codes to reach your website and engage with your brand online. 
Furthermore, you can create dynamic QR codes, which are trackable. You can track the scans and view time-wise and location-wise analytics to evaluate your campaigns and make informed decisions. 

Use QR codes in newspaper ads
Many small businesses, especially those operating in a specified area, give ads in newspapers to reach a local audience. With QR codes, you can make your newspaper ads and other print ads actionable and increase their ROI. Put a QR code on your newspaper ad and link it to your map location, social media, website, etc. You can also use discount QR codes to give discount coupons to people.

Share contact details
Service businesses like real estate firms and consultants rely on business cards to grow their networks and connect with potential clients. However, standard business cards have drawbacks. People need to manually enter the contact details to save the contact, which is time-consuming and prone to errors.
QR codes make the contact-saving process seamless. You can print a vCard Plus QR code on your business cards. When people scan the code, they’ll reach your vCard Plus profile page and get your contact information. Hence, you’ll be able to reach more clients and grow your business faster. 

Collect customer feedback
Positive customer reviews are instrumental for a small business’ growth. However, encouraging consumers to give feedback isn’t easy. A survey showed that customers are not likely to spend more than 75 seconds filling out a feedback form. Therefore, it’s essential to speed up your feedback process.
QR codes make the feedback submission process effortless. Restaurants, cafes, and other small businesses can put feedback QR codes in their premises. People can scan the code to reach the feedback page and leave their reviews. 

QR codes can be a valuable asset for small businesses looking to level up their marketing and user engagement efforts. With broad use cases, QR codes can help you engage consumers in numerous ways while keeping your costs in check. The first step to implementing a QR code strategy is to select the right QR code management platform. We recommend QRCodeChimp for enterprise-grade QR code customization and management.
QR Codes for Your Small Online Business

QR Codes for Your Small Online Business


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