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XD Leisure Programming Office

【 XD休閒規劃所 】 XD Leisure Planning Studio
/ 品牌宗旨
現今社會中的企業公司往往忽略員工辦公空間的福利與休憩空間,XD休閒規劃所認為透過打造「以人為本」的優質工作環境與氣氛,並加入ABW(activity based working)的工作型態,大力提升員工工作效能、穩固公司與員工間關係,在辦公空間體驗到享受的「笑到眼睛瞇起來」,更進時代下做流行的辦公空間。

Brand Mission
The naming method of XD Leisure Planning Office originated from the emoji of the popular Internet phrase "squinting eyes with laughter".Enterprises and companies in today's society often ignore the welfare and leisure space of employees' office space. XD Leisure Planning believes that by creating a "people-oriented" high-quality working environment and atmosphere, and adding ABW (activity based working) work style, it can greatly improve employees. Work efficiency, stabilize the relationship between the company and employees, experience the enjoyment of "smile until the eyes narrow" in the office space, and become a popular office space in the era.

俗話說 :「工欲善其事,必先利其器。」
As the saying goes: "If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools."

/ 服務項目
XD休閒規劃所主打【 辦公空間的休閒娛樂區 場地規劃 及 優化監督 部分】
 / 為辦公環境規劃員工的休憩場所,打破制式辦公空間,在此空間中員工能夠埋下任何創意觸發點使其促進交流,藉以優化企業形象及達到該公司在商業行銷上宣傳的目的,並增加售後品管服務。 / 

/ Service Offerings
XD Leisure Planning Studio specializes in the following service   offerings: “ Planning and optimization supervision of leisure and   entertainment areas in office spaces ” / We create rest areas for employees within office environments, breaking away from traditional office space designs. In these spaces, employees can find various creative stimuli to enhance communication, improve the company's image, achieve marketing objectives, and enhance post-sales quality control services. /

▼ XD 垃圾車活動企劃
XD Garbage Truck Activity Proposal

職場垃圾經歷  X   投擲埋氣   X   垃圾清運大隊
Workplace Garbage Experience X Throwing and Dispersing Frustrations X Garbage Cleanup Team

人們的日常生活與垃圾車的關係如此靠近, 朝著垃圾車丟垃圾是家常便飯, 象徵將家中的埋氣驅散; 
一個日常再小不過的動作, 足以讓人在這匆促的生活中感到一絲的小確幸。XD
The relationship between people's daily lives and garbage trucks is so close that throwing garbage towards the garbage truck has become a routine habit, symbolizing the release of built-up frustrations. Even the smallest daily action is enough to bring a sense of small joy in our fast-paced lives. XD

# 拍立得打卡區 → 拍照上傳社群並標記
# InstaSnap Check-in Zone → Capture, Upload, and Tag on Social Media

# 故事分享區 → 與我們分享職場中的不愉快,即時列印老闆的頭像,我們當你的垃圾車!
# 啤酒兌換區 → 拍照打卡上傳後,來杯冰涼的啤酒吧! 
# 回收球兌換區 → 回收垃圾響應環保,即可兌換投擲球享受投擲發洩的樂趣!

# Story Sharing Area → 
Come and share your unhappiness in the workplace with us, you can print the boss's avatar in real time and we will be your garbage truck !
# BeerExchange Area → 
After uploading the Polaroid photo and punching card, have a cold beer !
# Recycling Ball Exchange Zone →
Recycle garbage, exchange for throwing balls, and have fun relieving stress!

▼ XD 快閃店
XD Pop-up shop

體驗 X 共感 X 即時
Experience X Empathy X Immediate

XD休閒規劃所即將舉辦快閃店活動, 帶領民眾深入認識我們, 也歡迎各大公司預約入場。​​​​​​​
XD Leisure Planning Studio is organizing a pop-up shop event to provide an in-depth introduction to our services. We welcome companies to make reservations for participation.

​​​​​​​The pop-up shop includes a snack area, game room, communication room, nap room, and sauna room.​​​​​​​

▼ XD 宣傳立體裝置
XD Promotional Stereoscopic Installation

勞工節  X   RED BULL   X   森林公園
Labor Day   X   RED BULL   X   Forest Park

▼ XD 舞台裝置
XD stage

記者會  X   獨立樂團   X   紓壓
Press Conference   X   Independent Orchestra   X   Relief

邀請觀眾一同餐與音樂饗宴,舒緩上班時的壓抑情緒, 同時達成公司所想傳達的品牌核心概念。
The stage serves as the venue for brand launches, collaborating with independent bands to invite the audience to enjoy a feast of food and music. This helps alleviate the oppressive emotions during work and effectively conveys the company's core brand concept.

" Let's experience and enjoy XD Leisure Programming Office's services together ! "

Design Agency | XD Leisure Programming Office
Visual Design | 賴弈璇 Yi-Hsuan, Lai
3D Modeler | 范純禎 Chung Zhenf, Fan
3D Rendering Designer | 賴弈璇 Yi-Hsuan, Lai
Adviser professor| 施文禮 Wingly, Shih

Date | 2022
To know more about details please click here : Business proposal


XD Leisure Programming Office