Final rendered images of a hallway in Saxion for the Smart Solution Semester which the project names is: "Serious gaming for a better indoor air quality".
The LED-Screen shows the quality of the air in the hallway with the help of sensors. 
The group members want to use those walls for creating an informational display in which will be shown the level of the CO2 (Low – Medium – High), a pictographs with what people should be doing while the levels are displayed (Relax – Caution – Evacuate). 
Inside Blender 3D program showing the interior architecture of the hallway without the final render, but, being displayed with the "Look Dev" tool, which helps the users see the product with textures/lights/materials etc. before the final render steps.
It can be seen the amount of folders (chests), how many sub-folders (chest icons), objects (upside-down triangle), text (letter "a"), lights (bulbs) etc that are inside the project.
Everything has been made with real-life sizes and a lot of attention to all the details.
Smart CO2 Panel

Smart CO2 Panel
