My Buddhist teacher wanted to send a photograph showing the ordination of a new priest to the parent organization in Japan. However, the tradition in Japan is for priests to shave their heads. She asked if I could remove her hair from the photo. These are the steps I took. 
First I erased the hair from her scalp area.
I searched for an old photo I took of a different woman's head.
The shaved head on a layer under the main image.
Adjusted lighting on the shaved head. After erasing the rest of the hair, there was background that needed to be invented to fill in the empty space.
The finished head and background.
The completed photo as sent to Japan.
ADDENDUM: Since then I have done the same service several more times. Here's before #2.
After #2. BTW, I asked that next time, it would be helpful to send me a picture of some other bald person at the same place and time!
Remove hair

Remove hair


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