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Sketched Layouts and 3D Perspectives

Sketch Layouts & Sketch (3D)Perspectives:
On various occasions, the director of the Urban Design and Master-planning, will get really creative and artsy and hand me or the other Graphic Designer a sketched layout for a site. I can say on both sides that we enjoy being handed this sort of work. We get a bit more creative freedom for these and are allowed to do what will make the sketch look best. I have worked only on these sketches so far but I enjoy the process and I look forward to receiving more sketch work. 
This 1st sketch (3D Perspective) is linked to the next 3 sketched layout plans all for the same site and to be used in the same document. These are really crucial to show the clients to be able to let them see the creative development of the site and the site plans the designers have. 
These 2 sketched layouts here are linked from the same overall site. The director wanted to be able to show off one of the main design points of this site specifically. The one above this text shows the clients a section of the site with a proposed local green space with both soft and hard landscaping. On-site car park and showing the surrounding context for the site's own local GP Surgery. This brings me to the layout below this text. You can see it is further planning development into the layout above. It can show you in more detail the key design elements of this section of the site. The important points to get across to the clients are shown in colour coding. Blue standing for commercial use. Pink stands for medical use, and yellow is residential. 
Overall site sketched layout plan
As you can see here we have a coloured overall site layout plan. The surrounding context is imported from an architect's CAD drawing. For these surrounding buildings, you can see I made their presence known amongst the site plan. But yet don't let the surrounding context overpower the site plan.
Above this text, you can see the 3D sketched perspective of an updated site, under the planning application of a care home centre. This sketch had been finished before under an older design that got declined and withdrawn from the planning application due to request of the planners. Due to this the director had to re design and produced this updated sketch.  
Here you can see above this text is a sketched (detailed coloured) site plan for a site known as 'Canal Side South', as you can guess it has a distinctive and unique site feature, of a canal surrounding the site. Our urban designers and master planners have incorporated the canal into the proposed site plan as much as possible. And have been able to deliver a stunning layout.

From start to end :) 
First starting with the scanned-in sketch layout. Making sure that I adjust the levels (Ctrl+L) and I ensure to make the scanned sketch Black and White in the edit settings. And then colour grabbing from older projects, I fill in the blanks section by section in controlled layers. For example layer for the road, for the sky, and for the trees. The second image shows me halfway into the colouring process.

Here above the text, you can see the image once I had put all the colours in and used the different shades and pigmented colours to show a higher tone of all the layers. With the last layer always being the shadows of all the layers, shadows always help make these 3D designs pop more. Using more than just the pain bucket tool and making the most out of the brush and eraser tool and my Wacom tablet to draw on the layers as accurately as possible. Finally, the opacity is turned down on all levels at various amounts to make it look as it does at the final stage.
Sketched Layouts and 3D Perspectives


Sketched Layouts and 3D Perspectives
