Pop Up Hotel
Hyde Park, London
The "world comunity" project have been brought up to find a solution of large number of people heading London during the Olympic Games 2012. Fast aproaching, and people coming from all over the world for the most popular game will bring more demandings in hotel rooms and short stays. 
The sponsor of "Pop up hotel" is Cisco Systems. They are one of the top manufacturers of Network-related equipments, and mostly a critical infrastructure provider which looks at how small enterprises can maximize on both the short and long-term benefits.
The structure is made combing half tent structure and half stable but foldable, which makes the room completely flat in just some easy steps. Solving a problem that many designer have by folding the room leads not only to space saving when it comes to the park but as well easy transportable, save time and manufactured with recyclable materials.
This came from the idea to resolve space and time issues, designed to be reused mostly for tourists, festivals and sport games that require easily movable spaces for a short period of time.
It will allow people to use the park during the day and use the room when opened at night which will not take much time and effort as everything is digitalised. 
The room is going to be manufactured and brought to the site by trucks which will hold 5 units in each. At the site they won’t require too much time and effort as they are brought ready in blocks, once opened the planks of wood will be lifted then the hinges will lock in place giving it the stability of the room. For the room to be closed it will be the opposite of how it is opened.
The design was inspired by Cisco’s logo which I have taken a part of it, the planks of wood in the design of the logo makes it possible for the structure to fold. Also they are in harmony with each other and have an aesthetic view. On top of the planks of wood is tent material which gives it a light weight on top of the structure and doesn’t give any problem with the mobility. Each room will have different patterns on the walls this is to make them more attractive. There are spot lights located on the floor at the bottom of each plank of wood and also a long LED light along the base of the floor at the back wall.  Cisco’s logo is also visible even in the design of the windows as it is the first waht they will notice from the back side of the room.
The interior space is empty apart from the bed which is located in the middle of the back wall folded upwards and can be opened when needed. The facilities available in the room will come separately in boxes because of the rooms needing to fold and for hygiene purposes as well. 
They do not require any axtra water, the sink have hot water by conecting it with the battery which will be located under the floor of the room. 
Pavegen the new technology will  be the source of power for the room.They will be placed around the site and by people walking on top of them they produce and save the energy for when is needed. 
The rooms will be locked the same as most of the tents do, by zipping them. They will be able to be zipped from inside in a secure way for preventing any froud during the time that they are in use. 
The way of booking them could be online and from the smart phones they can show to the  person in charged to  have their room.Another way of booking can be on the site  if any room will be empty.
Work in progress
There were different designes being tested, through models sketches and 3d, until choosing the final one. 
Pop up Hotel

Pop up Hotel

Environmentally friendly project, Pop Up Hotel is designed to make easier the short stay rooms for large events and games.
