Danielle van Deventer's profile

06 Motion Graphics: Hunt Never Ends_Individual (3rd yr)

06 Motion Graphics: Hunt Never Ends (Individual)
Project brief 

For this project, we were required to conceptualise, storyboard, design, and animate a 30-60 second title sequence of a blurb that has yet to be made into a feature. In order to do this, we were required to select one blurb from the many provided and conceptualise its narrative as well as its visual treatment. This conceptualisation is meant to hint at the mood and not give away too much of the plot, to help with this actors and / actresses, a director, production company and movie title need to be included within the sequence. The typographic treatment we choose should complement if not reinforce the narrative and visual treatment concept. Lastly, a storyboard needed to be created in order to help explain how the sequence would be laid out and animated 

01. 30-60 second title sequence 
02. Comprehensive storyboards 
03. Screenshot from the final animation in storyboard format
04. Conceptual development 
Design strategy

Tasked to conceptualise, storyboard, design, and animate a title sequence for the chosen blurb from the list provided, HUNT NEVER ENDS is based on the title The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes was selected. Below is an extract of the blurb chosen: 
For the main crux of the story where the victim survives and hunts down the killer, a concept of predator becomes pray arose from the ashes. The visual language of the title sequence was developed by combining a thriller theme with traditional charcoal drawing aesthetics to create a dark, exciting, and rustic atmosphere. The monochrome colour scheme and crude drawing style further push the hair-raising action-packed tone and mood.  Animals roaming in the Chicago nature scene were used to portray the concept and through the title sequence, each animal makes a shocking appearance while the camera moves through the woods in z-space. Each animal revealed attacks one by one as the animation climbs higher on the food chain until the main predator, humans, is revealed. By creating hand-drawn traditional illustrations that were layered in z-space individually with animated accessories, such as spitting venom, life was breathed into the animation.

Please refer to a Google Drive folder to view our Progress Work file

Research & Ideation
Hand-drawn storyboards
Final storyboard
When you are being hunted, set your mind as the predator
- Toba Beta
06 Motion Graphics: Hunt Never Ends_Individual (3rd yr)

06 Motion Graphics: Hunt Never Ends_Individual (3rd yr)
