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How to make home advertising campaigns with QR codes

How to make your outside-of-home advertising campaigns more engaging with QR codes
The demand for OOH campaigns has surged, especially during this mobile-centric era. OOH advertising has an impact on the audience because of its size and contrast to the real-world environment. This is also an effective complement to digital advertising.

Combined with tech advances such as QR codes, OOH advertising campaigns of brands and companies are becoming more interactive and practical.

Most brands adopted this two-dimensional barcode because of its ease of use, functionality, and scan tracking ability. Place-based and street-level OOH campaigns such as billboards, murals, street furniture, vehicles, and subways usually add QR codes to get their target audience's attention.

The QR code technology also helps brands increase their mass reach and drive one-on-one interactions. By launching high visual and impactful campaigns with QR codes, brands can easily catch their consumers' attention and get their message cut through.

Creative ways to make your OOH advertising stand out using QR codes

1. Share your story using video QR codes
Videos are becoming a great marketing medium for brands to connect to their busy customers.

By adding a video QR code on your chosen OOH advertising space, more customers will get to see your company videos, product information, or any brand stories you want to share. 

2. Encourage scanners to sign up.
Are you promoting an upcoming event or webinar? Then you can encourage more attendees by sharing your QR code that embeds your registration form URL. 

Place it in any areas with high foot traffic of your target audience for more interactions and exposure.

3. Engage your customers with giveaways and coupons
You can also use QR codes if you want to reward your customers with a discount or a giveaway gift. This allows your customers to scan and get the discount or gift in just a scan.

You can even run a contest by using the scan-based multi-URL QR code to reward two sets of scanners. For instance, the first ten scanners will get a 30% discount, and the second batch of scanners will get a 20% discount when they shop or avail of your services online.

4. Direct customers to your website
Boost your website traffic by adding your URL QR code to your OOH advertising campaign. This way, you can connect your offline audience to your online content in just a scan away.

5. Increase your app downloads
Marketing your newly launched app is not just limited to the online space. You can encourage more potential app users to download it by using the app store QR code.

This QR code solution allows you to target both iOS and Android users to download the app on their devices after scanning the code. They don't have to look for the app name in the app store anymore.

There are plenty of innovative ways to leverage the uses of QR codes in OOH advertising. However, it is essential not to become overly creative. Your QR code content has to be relevant and make your consumers interact with your campaign. Also, finding the best QR code generator that will fit your needs is very important.

Nevertheless, QR code technology is proven to be a game-changing tool in making any OOH advertising more effective.

How to make home advertising campaigns with QR codes

How to make home advertising campaigns with QR codes


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