Trevor Brennan's profile

Relationships Australia - Identity

Voodoo was engaged by Relationships Australia National Office in early 2011 to complete a re-brand for the organisation. The original script brand mark had recently become a registered trademark and thus had to be retained. The project presented a number of challenges that had to be addressed:
• It was generally accepted that the existing brand was tired and in need of a refresh.

• It was felt that the existing brand didn’t allow for flexibility and was difficult to apply across media and circumstances.

• As a result of the above, many of the State bodies had developed individual brands which were undermining the strength and value of the brand nationally.
• While it was hoped that the re-brand would lead to uniformity, there was no way of mandating that the State bodies conform to the National brand.
Involving stakeholders from the State bodies throughout the project and allowing them input at key milestones generated considerable goodwill and positivity towards the re-brand. The comprehensive research, planning and concept development process undertaken by Voodoo, complimented by thorough focus group testing, resulted in the creation of an extremely flexible and robust brand.
In particular, the ease of application allowed State bodies with existing brand styles to seamlessly transition to the new brand while retaining existing elements of their individual brands. Despite fears that the State bodies would not adopt the new brand, all States have committed to adoption and are currently successfully transitioning over. The outpouring of enthusiasm and excitement from key stakeholders far exceeded what the client had anticipated and the feedback passed on to Voodoo has been overwhelmingly positive.
Relationships Australia - Identity

Relationships Australia - Identity

Brand strategy, re-positioning and design
