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The Uninhabitable Earth-Book Cover Design

After achieving a distinction in this project I feel this shows what I'm capable of producing. The project aims to re-design a book cover and create an animation design for social media.

Throughout producing this final design outcome, I feel that my justification has certainly improved to deliver a book cover worthy of meeting project outcomes. Its mission to open up an eco-friendlier future has been proven to stretch for further generations based on the audience its targeting (21–40-year olds) and support further strategies being used today to reach that goal. The design proves itself inspirational to the brief by using a range of design elements to build up a mysterious atmosphere and make us feel like we are a detective searching for answers to why the earth is uninhabitable. The use of illustration for this sort of imagery is rarely seen as photography is usually the subject for this. I feel I made the right decision to focus on the black and white design as the coloured design may go outside my specific target audience range towards a younger group. The smoke patterns are very embracive and represents how our producing of greenhouse gases are slowly harming and killing the planet the same way we make and smoke the cigarettes which do the same damage to us. Other elements such as the polar bear secretly represent how we are causing their endangerment, almost like we are murdering them. Of course, in an education environment such as a college or university the globe will easily be recognisable as an object in education to the audience giving this a simple advantage. Based on client feedback to include a subject inside the magnifying glass, including a small use of colour to bring some life into the design increased this mysterious theme to represent further the loss of all life on earth and question us why the earth is dying. The choice of using the glowing text to the symbolise the warmth of rising temperature and relate to a sign in a detective storyline giving the sense of us opening this for all to be revealed allowed the best proven decision. The icy text and the polar bear would make climate change to obvious. Unlike the other concepts this design uses more design elements and brings my strategy to life unlike my alternative concept and back-up concept I have great certainty that the readers would open this up, searching for answers and when the plot twist reveals this is a real-life crisis, therefore will encourage these young individuals to take action to save our planet.
The Uninhabitable Earth-Book Cover Design


The Uninhabitable Earth-Book Cover Design
