These cinemagraphs were created within the first three weeks of the Spring 2021 semester and document both feelings and actions that were taken in order to balance my life. Within these pieces there are two that are double exposure, the piece of Mega Man 11 and The Duck and The Pond, three that just naturally loop on themselves, The Floating Box with Fan, Relaxation in Front of the Television, and The Spinning Face Jug, and lastly one that uses reverse frames to loop, The Flag. Objects within the pieces were items that I was working/watching/playing while the creation process was occurring, such as the face jug I created for ceramics. Neon Genesis Evangelion was a show I was watching both before and during the semester and during this process I used it as a way to document the particular time spent watching it, and Mega Man 11 was the stand in for video games I've been playing during the time.
Being a document on my emotional state and physical activities, I wanted to have a small semblance of order starting with the double exposed duck with the pond as a way to show the calm, almost carefree nature I had before the semester. This is followed by a shot of a piece I was working on to demonstrate starting school and getting back into the habit of adding schoolwork back into my schedule. The floating box symbolizes the workload being added on top of the workload I already had. The footage of Mega Man used to represent both the idea of hitting a wall and feeling stuck, but it is also used to represent the few little moments were I have free time to breathe. The flag flapping in the wind is used as a way to show the peace of turning in these assignments, but also the fact that its whipping around in the harsh wind is used to show that there is more to come in terms of hectic times during assingments.

