If we could somehow gain access to footage of our past shadows, most of us would probably want to make some changes in our everyday lives. Perhaps, we could take more walks as we hold a loved ones hand, look up at the sky more, really take time to listen, sit down for coffee in a real cup, use our words to encourage not to criticize others (ourselves included), have more of a grateful heart as we consider the blessings in our lives, fight for the ones we love, throw out toxic substances that are destined to destroy us, seek a life of integrity, live for others, and maybe we could jump like a child once in a while...
God help us choose our everyday steps wisely and may joyful shadows follow.
                              Dedicated to Lisa Sumutka for her honest heart and her search for joy.
                                                         A fun early evening stroll with my niece and nephew.
 Patterson Park
Baltimore, Maryland 
Joyful Shadows

Joyful Shadows

Forgetting the past. Enjoying a beautiful day at the park
